Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Train You To Host And Present In Online Meetings


If you have a need to Host an Online Meeting that involves Screen Sharing/Presentations, and you want to make sure it goes as smoothly and successful as possible, this gig is for you. I will work with you to make sure your meeting concerns and objectives are addressed and then develop and follow the process required to fulfill your specific requirements.

I have a broad and extensive skillset that includes many of the disciplines required in or order to develop, manage and produce successful online meetings. My skills & training allow me to deliver a premium level of service and support across a spectrum meeting types.

If you are producing online meetings currently, then you are likely clear on what you want to improve. We can start there.

  1. Set meeting Date/Time and Platform
  2. Set Attendee List & Define Invite/Confirm Process
  3. Set Host and/or Panel Roles & Responsibilities
  4. Presenter Support
  5. Package Presentation Content for Sharing
  6. Recorded Meeting Post Production
  7. Attendee Surveys & Testing
  8. Reporting

If you have any questions, please reach out. I look forward to being of service.



Wow! This was my first time using Fiverr but I was desperate to make an online presentation (I am a teacher) and Daniel was incredible! He was so prepared that he motivated me to get started earlier, do a much better job and finish early. That meant more time to practice and a superior outcome. Thanks Daniel! I will be back!

: : : :

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