Saturday, July 11, 2020

Amplify Ideas Into Presentations And Talks



Do you want to give voice to your ideas?

Learn to communicate to persuade, inspire, and transform your audiences.

Learn to write, design and deliver disruptive messages and presentations for the required occasion.

Basic: Diagnosis of Speaker and Idea
Básico: Diagnóstico del Speaker e Idea

One-to-one training in Zoom of 1 hour. Carrying out a diagnosis of speaking, storytelling and speaker-lecturer on-screen skills.

Standard: Speaker Diagnosis + Module 1 ’Investiga '

Estándar: Diagnóstico del Speaker + Módulo 1 ’Investiga'

2-hour Zoom 1-on-1 training. Carrying out a diagnosis of public speaking skills, storytelling and speaker-lecturer on-screen presentation, and development of Module 1 ’Investigate’ of the Amplify your ideas course.

Premium: Development of Three (3) Modules ’Investigate, Prepare, Try’
Premium: Desarrollo de Tres (3) Módulos ’Investiga, Prepará, Ensaya’

3-hour Zoom one-on-one training. Carrying out a diagnosis of public speaking skills, storytelling and speaker presentation, and development of the three (3) Modules (Investigate, Prepare and Rehearse) of the course Amplify your ideas.


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Amplify Ideas Into Presentations And Talks

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