Sunday, December 29, 2019

Help You Create An Online Course


"I have an idea for an online course, but I don't know where to begin!"

Sound familiar? I hear this all the time! Creating an online course is a mammoth task. What's more, the time you spend creating your course is time taken away from doing the things that bring you money and the people you love. 

So we need to get your course up and running ASAP! With this gig you will get training and help with the following*: 

- Pricing

- Adding value (so you can charge a higher price tag)

- Building a course community

- Choosing a topic

- Outlining and setting objectives 

- Writing a script

- Designing slides

- Creating supplemental materials

- Where to host your course

- And more


- 1:1 help (via office hours)

- Access to group coaching

- Recorded group calls


*Note: If you are wanting someone to do the heavy lifting (script writing, slide design, workbook design, etc.), please see my other gig! 


: : : : :

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