Saturday, December 21, 2019

Design And Act A Public Speaking For You


Your project ended succesfully and you feel ashamed to present the results over a stage in front of hundreds of people? This is the right place for you!

I'm an Italian skilled Project Manager with a passion for the acts and the public speaking. The ending session of a project should be the best moment to feel the proud of having produced such a result! I perfectly know it beacuse I lived that moment dozens of times. Why you should feel ashamed? We'll work together on!

What we'll work on:

  1. The speech: I'll choose the perfect words to be said, we don't want to see people sleeping!
  2. The time: You'll be on borrowed time for sure, I'll design the speech to stay on time;
  3. An optional Powerpoint presentation: Usually the perfect speech is coupled to a presentation. I'll work to create the slides that perfectly fit with the text and the images to be showed.

Are you ready to start this wonderful experience?

Note: Please contact me before placing an order, thank you!


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