Thursday, April 30, 2020

Design Modern Infographic Presentation On Powerpoint And Google Slides


Need to impress your audience, but don't have time to create or design a professional PowerPoint presentation yourself? then you are at correct place. This gig will provide you a professional PowerPoint slides for your presentation.

What i offer?

·Design or redesign Professional elegant Powerpoint Templates.

·Designing or formatting existing Powerpoint Presentation

·Insert tables, charts and graphs and infographic where needed for better understanding

I will appreciate if you contact me before placing an order to avoid any confusions.


Seller's Response:

I'm super excited to use the Google slides template haseebqureshi22 created. It matches my brand theme perfectly! Thank you so much for all of your hard work! It paid off!

Seller's Response:

thank you so much for your word, I am also excited to serve you again..

Seller's Response:

Excellent communication and speedy delivery!


thank you so much


Excellent work done!

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