Sunday, April 26, 2020

Live Visualize Your Business Meeting, Via Screen Sharing


Wouldn´t it be nice if you could see what you are saying, include all the different perspectives and voices into one single point of reference? What greater way than including a live drawing of a professional visual thinker in your meetings. 

This Gig is perfect if you want to:

 -   reflect your team’s knowledge and creativity.

 -   engage your team, clients or participants.

create clarity and a long-lasting impact through illustration.

 -   co-create a story that builds trust and provoke engagement

 -   instantly visualize a discussion

Did you know that we remember 10 percent of what we hear, 20 percent of what we read compared to 80 percent of what we see?

Visuals are a great way to convey complex or potentially confusing information using a visual alphabet that is comprehensive and remembered by anyone.

Therefore I offer you this special Gig giving you the opportunity to access a communication tool that includes everyone in your organization and effectively drives the desired change. Listening to the story of your team I deliver a compelling visual that clicks!

Extreme times ask for creative actions


: : : : :

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