Saturday, February 29, 2020

Perfect Your Public Speaking And Presentation Skills In Spanish Or English


I can make you an excellent performer and i work in Spanish English and Hebrew.

1. Basic package: 

You send me an up to 10 min movie of your self presenting with full body view and clear voice (to be able to hear your speech.

I will analyze the movie and provide you a written feedback of thing to preserve and things to improve. 

+ tips how to do it better.

2. Standards Package 

If you wish to purchase the standard package we will add to the basic package a video chat were we will have a conversation about the results 

3. Premium Package 

For the Premium package i will provide you also a feedback of how to improve your power point presentation and also will provide you a second feedback of a new movie to reflect your improvement.

Meaning that for Premium = 2x Basic + Standard + Power point tips 



: : : : :

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