Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Help You Become A Great Public Speaker And Presenter


Learn to become a great public speaker for workshops, presentations, leader or participant in meetings, groups and general business.  Evaluations are completed with an audio or video recording, or by arranging a live session.  You are given advice and feedback on how and what to improve.

I am a Master Communicator earned with ITC - International Training in Communications as a trainer and evaluator. (Like Toastmasters) With over 30 years experience as a Voice Coach and Voice Technician, I provide you with help on vocal delivery.

Areas Covered;

  • diction, clear speech, removing ums, urs, too many pauses
  • volume, projection, sound of your voice
  • create warmth, connection and engage with audience
  • stance, moving, use of hand, etc.
  • overcoming fear, nerves, being intimidated by superiors
  • how & what to write for your audience
  • edit your speech, presentation, workshop
  • how to get feedback and what to do with it
  • how to network, come across as genuine
  • evaluate your presentation - score card like Toastmasters



Great communication. I liked very much that he requested additional input so that he could give a better suited answer, rather then just giving a quick and easy answer which may have been less valuable to me. I also appreciated very much the fact he did some additional research himself that would help him give me a better answer.

: : : :

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